One Deck Dungeon Game Review: There are plenty of Co-op games that play well as a two player experience, but Co-op games that are specifically built to be one or two player only are not currently very common. So when a two player “rogue-like” co-op game showed up on Kickstarter,Continue Reading

We’ve added a new section to the website for… wait for it… VIDEOS! Yes, we are joining the 20th century… um… We are currently adding videos from our concert performance from FilkOntario 2016 and will continue to add videos as we get them created/edited. If there is a specific videoContinue Reading

The Faithful Sidekicks were honored to be interviewed for the great video podcast Go Indie Now. This series of videos features independent authors and artists. We got to talk about FILK, FAWM, and independent music. Our sections starts at about 31:33. Check it out!Continue Reading

The Faithful Sidekicks once again participated in February Album Writing Month and had a blast. We wrote 12 new geeky songs and almost all of them will be going into our regular song lineup. Be on the look out for new gigs where we will be debuting these new tunes!Continue Reading

We wanted to say thank you to Beth Kinderman and Co at the Space Oddity Room Party at Mars Con MN 2017. We had a blast playing music at the party and hanging out! We also wanted to give a special shout to the MarsCon Dementia Track and the FuMPContinue Reading

We’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone from WindyCon 43 for making it an great weekend. A special thanks to Jason Neerenberg for filling in on Bass!Continue Reading

We just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone at FilkContinental for the amazing time and for just plain being awesome. We sincerely hope we can come back in a future year.Continue Reading

Due to some health issues, we have to postpone the concert we had scheduled for Sept 2nd at Dunn Brothers Coffee in Roseville. The show will now be on Sept 23rd – you can see more info Here Sorry for the inconvenience!  Hope to see you there!Continue Reading