We are excited to announce that The Faithful Sidekicks were nominated for TWO Pegasus Awards!! Best Performer 2018 and Best Filk Song 2018 – Han Solo For President. The awards were handed out at OVFF 34 and while we didn’t win, we consider it a huge honor to have beenContinue Reading

We just got back from FilkOntario in Toronto where we had an absolute blast! A couple very cool things happened there that I think count as News: We are honored to say that we won First Place in the annual FKO Songwriting Competition with our new song We Come InContinue Reading

We had a great chat with Chad Walker of the great Fandomania Podcast. You can hear us talk about songs from the new CD, Star Wars, and other general geekery. Check it out here: http://fandomania.com/geek-music-episode-123-the-faithful-sidekicks/Continue Reading

Achievement Unlocked by The Faithful Sidekicks It is here! New for 2018, The Faithful Sidekicks second CD – Achievement Unlocked! 12 new tracks featuring a lot of great guest musicians including John Argentiero, Dr. Mary Crowell, The Bedford Level Experiment, Justin Hartley, Beth Kinderman, Sunnie Larsen, and Cathy McMannamon. WeContinue Reading

If you are going to be at the Ohio Valley Filk Festival (which I highly recommend you check out!), We will be playing a 30 minute concert on Sunday 10/22 at 2:20 PM.  There will be great concerts all weekend from some amazing performers!  We will be around the wholeContinue Reading

Lots of good things have been happening for the Sidekicks lately. The great Geek Music Podcast – Radio Free Hipster – featured Han Solo For President in their latest episode. This Podcast is produced by GeekDad, which is a fantastic website for all things Geeky. Definitely check it out! WeContinue Reading

We’ve added a new section to the website for… wait for it… VIDEOS! Yes, we are joining the 20th century… um… We are currently adding videos from our concert performance from FilkOntario 2016 and will continue to add videos as we get them created/edited. If there is a specific videoContinue Reading

The Faithful Sidekicks were honored to be interviewed for the great video podcast Go Indie Now. This series of videos features independent authors and artists. We got to talk about FILK, FAWM, and independent music. Our sections starts at about 31:33. Check it out!Continue Reading

The Faithful Sidekicks once again participated in February Album Writing Month and had a blast. We wrote 12 new geeky songs and almost all of them will be going into our regular song lineup. Be on the look out for new gigs where we will be debuting these new tunes!Continue Reading