We want to give a very heartfelt thanks to everyone at GAFilk who made our time there amazing. A special thank you to InterFilk for sending us to the con! And another huge thank you to the GAFilk Con Com for all their hard work! THANK YOU!!!Continue Reading

We want to say thank you to everyone who came to our concerts at OVFF and WindyCon!  We had a great time and hope you did as well.  We also had a blast with all the folk who were in the Filk circles at both cons, playing and listening toContinue Reading

If you are going to be at the Ohio Valley Filk Festival (which I highly recommend you check out!), We will be playing a 30 minute concert on Sunday 10/22 at 2:20 PM.  There will be great concerts all weekend from some amazing performers!  We will be around the wholeContinue Reading

Lots of good things have been happening for the Sidekicks lately. The great Geek Music Podcast – Radio Free Hipster – featured Han Solo For President in their latest episode. This Podcast is produced by GeekDad, which is a fantastic website for all things Geeky. Definitely check it out! WeContinue Reading

One Deck Dungeon Game Review: There are plenty of Co-op games that play well as a two player experience, but Co-op games that are specifically built to be one or two player only are not currently very common. So when a two player “rogue-like” co-op game showed up on Kickstarter,Continue Reading

We’ve added a new section to the website for… wait for it… VIDEOS! Yes, we are joining the 20th century… um… We are currently adding videos from our concert performance from FilkOntario 2016 and will continue to add videos as we get them created/edited. If there is a specific videoContinue Reading

The Faithful Sidekicks were honored to be interviewed for the great video podcast Go Indie Now. This series of videos features independent authors and artists. We got to talk about FILK, FAWM, and independent music. Our sections starts at about 31:33. Check it out!Continue Reading